Semaglutide is a hugely popular medication that can help you lose weight. In fact, a new study found that a whopping 1,055,900 U.S. patients were prescribed a form of semaglutide between January 2018 and March 2024. That’s more than 4 million total prescriptions during this time.
If you’re taking semaglutide, you know that eating the right foods—in the right portions—are two keys to dropping pounds and minimizing side effects from the medication, according to UCLA Health. This is where foods that enable quick, healthy eating come in handy. To that end, which foods should you add to your healthy eating grocery list?
“When choosing any food or snack while you’re on semaglutide and you’re out in the world, you want to ask yourself two questions,” says Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, author of Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked): 11 Science-Backed Ways To Eat More, Stress Less, and Feel Great About Your Body. “One, how can I plan so I can eat this in an easy way? And two, how can I make this palatable, especially if I’m experiencing side effects like nausea?”
London has advice that can help you achieve both of these goals. And enjoy nutritious, delicious snacks and mini-meals while you’re out and about.
Related: Yes, You Can Eat Carbs!
How do you pack the right semaglutide-friendly foods?
“It’s a great idea to plan ahead,” says London. “Figure out all the snacks you’ll need for the week, and then you can have what you need on hand.” Make a list of the foods you like best, put them in your grocery cart, then start planning what to pack when.
It’s smart to schedule your diet staples in a new way. Say you’re a big fan of hard-boiled eggs to snack on during the day at work. While it’s true that eggs can be easy on the stomach, the GI side effects you may experience on semaglutide might mean you have a tough time tolerating any food the day you get your dose.
“Eggs tend to be a food that you may want to save for later in the week,” London says. “If you love to eat a particular food, consider scheduling it for later. That way you can bypass any side effects the medication might cause, and really enjoy it when you eat it.”
In the meantime, get creative with your selections. “It’s a great idea to combine veggies and protein,” says London. People taking semaglutide should make sure they get enough protein during the day to counter loss of muscle mass. But this doesn’t mean limiting yourself to endless turkey slices.
Try legumes as a fresher source of protein. “Chickpeas and lentils provide both fiber and protein, and they’re really filling,” says London.
Pair hummus with veggies you never thought to try with it before. Think radishes, snow or sugar-snap peas, cauliflower, or large olives. This can give you a double-dose of fiber, which helps in two ways when you’re on semaglutide. It gives you a sense of fullness, says the Obesity Medicine Association, and also helps with the side effect of constipation.
Another great move is to split something you love into multiple servings. “Eat your lunch in two portions,” London suggests. “If you have a veggie and protein combo sandwich, for example, you can have half of it for lunch and then the other half as a snack later in the afternoon.”
Craving something sweet, but mindful of too much sugar? “You can pair protein with fruit,” says London. “String cheese goes well with an apple. Or Greek yogurt and any fruit you really like is always a smart choice.”
Combining a healthy diet with semaglutide creates a powerful, proven approach to effective weight loss.
Which protein bars are best when you’re taking semaglutide?
You might already be in the habit of grabbing a breakfast bar heading out the door in the morning. Or snacking on a protein bar as an afternoon pick-me-up. Can you still do this while taking semaglutide? Yes, but it’s best for your general health to not rely too heavily on this kind of highly processed food. Instead, save them for when you’re in a pinch.
It doesn’t matter if a product is called a breakfast bar or a protein bar. What counts is its nutritional value in terms of your needs while you’re taking semaglutide. It’s smart to look at the ingredients to see if most of what’s listed are things that you recognize (like nuts and dried fruit), rather than ingredients you don’t recognize and can’t even pronounce.
The best protein bars for your health are those that have a good amount of protein and fiber, and are low in sugar. Some bars, in fact, have as much sugar as a candy bar. And high-sugar foods can worsen the discomfort of GI side effects. A smart suggestion is to look for a bar that doesn’t have more grams of added sugar than grams of protein.
Fiber is important when you’re on semaglutide. So when you’re in a rush or really need something to quickly grab, a protein or breakfast bar with significant fiber content is a good way to supplement fiber-rich foods like veggies, fruit, quinoa, peas, and beans.
The bottom line on quick, healthy eating when taking semaglutide
When it comes to on-the-go foods while you’re taking semaglutide, think about the big picture.
When you find new food combos you love, make them part of your diet on a regular basis.
This can set you up for success after you stop taking semaglutide. The healthy habits you develop now will help you live your healthiest life ever, long-term.
If you think a weight loss medication like semaglutide might be right for you, chat with a ReflexMD Wellness Advisor now or take our short quiz to see if you qualify.
Read Next: On Semaglutide For Weight Loss? Put These 10 Foods On Your Plate